So you’ve finally had a chance to dig out those old home movies you filmed on that super heavyweight handheld cine film camera that was state-of-the-art 30 years ago. You watch them back, thinking about how awesome it would be to watch this on a good ol’ DVD or Blu-ray player, rather than faffing about with that cumbersome cine projector you’ve kept hidden in the loft for just such an occasion as this.
Sweet. You’ve decided to go for an effortless transfer from cine to DVD or USB – and then…
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Have you ever witnessed the beauty and elegance of a silent movie?
You might never have sat in front of the big screen or (these days) Youtubed the comic works of Charlie Chaplin or the stunning Lillian Gish. You might never have sat down and truly witnessed the art unfolding before you, the masterful way film was recorded or how music was used to portray the characters emotions and the tone of the scene. Continue reading →
Here at Cine2DVD Transfers, we absolutely love learning new things. Whether it’s a new story from one of our customers or simply something obvious that we didn’t know about the world around us, facts are a great way to get to know other people and the planet that we call home.
With this in mind, we’re going to divulge some facts about film which many of you may not know! We think that they are incredibly interesting, and hope that you will feel as enlightened as we did when we first heard them!
Are you ready? Roll the film!
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As you know, Cine 2 DVD Transfers specialise in transferring 16mm and 8mm film to DVD. We have over 30 years of experience in helping thousands of people retain important and personal memories from their lives.
It’s become almost impossible to watch cine film, which means that so many people are faced with losing treasured memories from their childhood. We hate the thought of this happening, which is why our service helps to keep your memories alive in a more accessible form – DVD.

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History of the Home Video
Nowadays, it seems like the majority of people have access to some form of video recording device. The YouTube culture is booming and more and more people are involving themselves in creating home movies.
With this in mind, it’s hard to believe that at the start of the 20th Century, home movies were limited to those who could afford the equipment; very different to the affordable recording options of today.
As cine film transfer experts, we’ve decided to delve into the archives and take a look into the history of home movie creation!
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Our professional 8mm film to DVD service is perfect for bringing your memories and nostalgia into the 21st century, whilst still capturing the essence and zeitgeist of the time. A way which many films do this nowadays is through looking back at particular movements of an era, or simply capturing them as they occur. Dominating the box office at the moment is Straight Outta Compton, the story of one of raps most notorious groups, which looks back and captures the group’s rise to fame. Continue reading →
We at Cine2DVD love nothing more than to transfer cine film to DVD in an effort to store your precious memories on a more permanent format. However, when it comes to actually capturing the footage, there is so much choice out there in the way of digital cameras that it can often be hard to even know where to start. A digital camera is an investment, so there are certain things you need to consider before you purchase your gear.
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Royal Mail are experiencing some problems with their webpage for producing the FREE Tracked label. Please be patient and try the link again over the weekend and on Monday morning.
Well, did you ever see this coming?
The downfall (or at least steady decline) of the movie industry? With Hollywood’s A-listers falling from grace left right and centre, TV was bound to take centre stage at some point but why? What does TV now have that Hollywood is steadily losing… apart from their actors staying off of the journalistic hit list? Continue reading →
It’s happened again hasn’t it?
You’ve taken a walk into town and something has triggered a memory. Something small, something you can’t quite place. It’s reminded you of that summer evening when your dad stood with an umbrella over the BBQ, determined that the coals would catch flame despite the rain. That’s the memory that’s taken your feet in the direction of the shops for BBQ food. That’s the memory that makes you smirk to yourself as the cars and strangers pass you in the street. It’s a small memory, but when you’re having a bad day, it’s the small things that keep you smiling.
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