The Look of Love: The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift

Ah, love. Is there anything better than celebrating it? There’s only a month to go until Cupid flings his arrows willy-nilly, star-crossed lovers stare longingly into each other’s eyes and every restaurant in a ten-mile radius is booked up.


Yep, Valentine’s Day is almost upon us, and with it comes the sheer panic of what to get for your significant other. Sure, you’ll go out for a meal, maybe even take in the theatre. If you’re feeling particularly frisky, you might even be considering popping the question. But what else do you get to show your partner that you care? Flowers, chocolates, a pair of socks?

The key to a good gift – especially on February 14th, when being in the dog-house is the last place you want to be – is that it’s personal, memorable and actually means something to the one receiving it. There’s no imagination and creativity involved with buying a teddy bear holding a love heart or printing out a hilarious ‘IOU x 1 Back Rub’ card. And frankly, while your other half may really-really-really want that awesome back-scratcher, it’s just not going to cut it when showing how much you care at this special time of the year.


But one way to seriously celebrate all those happy years together is a movie of all your happiest moments. Not only is it a gift that’s unique and intimate, but it’ll also remind of you of precisely why you fell in love with your chap or chapette in the first place. All those charming memories, all those adoring smiles, all those silly moments, all captured on film throughout the years. How sweet would it be to see your first kiss again, the birth of your first child, your wedding and the subsequent anniversaries, maybe? Sure, many of those moments might be on older cine film formats, meaning you can’t watch them back and fall in love all over again.


But we can help you make Valentine’s Day as special as it always should be. Here at Cine 2 DVD Transfers we love love. That’s why we specialise in 8mm cine film to DVD conversions, so you can relive the moments you love best. For more info, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0800 592 433 or email [email protected] and our expert team will be delighted to assist with creating the perfect gift this Valentine’s Day. We can even add music to your home movies to really make it special. Just steer clear of that love heart-holding teddy bear!