And so it’s almost upon us. Less than a month to go before we’re all sat around the Christmas tree, passing out goofy presents, watching the Queen’s Speech – because grandma insists on it every year – and arguing over who actually won Monopoly. So, with that in mind, one quick question: what’s your favourite Christmas memories?
Maybe it’s that time Aunt Jemima fell out of her chair after one too many Harvey’s Bristol Creams and Tia Marias. Or the time you all had a nuanced debate out over whether EastEnders’ Dirty Den was right to divorce Angie on Christmas Day. Perhaps it was the look on your daughter’s face when she finally – oh, finally! – got that My Little Pony she’d been waiting all year for. Or even your mum’s last Christmas in the old house – you’d never seen so much tinsel and fake snow in your life! And remember the time you were visited by the three spirits of Christmas…
Whatever the memory, you won’t want to forget them. Sure, Christmases come and go, it’s hard to even keep track of them all. It’s the season of looking forward to the upcoming year. But it’s also about appreciating what you’ve got. So if you’ve got a wondrous Christmas from days long gone captured on cine film, you might want to consider having it transferred to DVD. After all, not only can you re-watch and re-live that time you received that awesome pair of multi-coloured socks from your significant other, you can also share it with others, giving them a highly personal Christmas gift.
Here at Cine 2 DVD it’s not just wedding and birthday films we can transfer. If you’ve got old Christmas moments captured, we’ll convert those for you too. We specialise in transferring 8mm film to DVD, so you’ll never forget those insanely magical moments. For more information about what we do and how we do it, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0800 592433 or email [email protected] and our professional, amiable staff will be only too glad to assist with your enquiries.