The Spirits of Christmas

And so it’s almost upon us. Less than a month to go before we’re all sat around the Christmas tree, passing out goofy presents, watching the Queen’s Speech – because grandma insists on it every year – and arguing over who actually won Monopoly. So, with that in mind, one quick question: what’s your favourite Christmas memories?


Maybe it’s that time Aunt Jemima fell out of her chair after one too many Harvey’s Bristol Creams and Tia Marias. Or the time you all had a nuanced debate out over whether EastEnders’ Dirty Den was right to divorce Angie on Christmas Day. Perhaps it was the look on your daughter’s face when she finally – oh, finally! – got that My Little Pony she’d been waiting all year for. Or even your mum’s last Christmas in the old house – you’d never seen so much tinsel and fake snow in your life! And remember the time you were visited by the three spirits of Christmas…

Whatever the memory, you won’t want to forget them. Sure, Christmases come and go, it’s hard to even keep track of them all. It’s the season of looking forward to the upcoming year. But it’s also about appreciating what you’ve got. So if you’ve got a wondrous Christmas from days long gone captured on cine film, you might want to consider having it transferred to DVD. After all, not only can you re-watch and re-live that time you received that awesome pair of multi-coloured socks from your significant other, you can also share it with others, giving them a highly personal Christmas gift.


Here at Cine 2 DVD it’s not just wedding and birthday films we can transfer. If you’ve got old Christmas moments captured, we’ll convert those for you too. We specialise in transferring 8mm film to DVD, so you’ll never forget those insanely magical moments. For more information about what we do and how we do it, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0800 592433 or email [email protected] and our professional, amiable staff will be only too glad to assist with your enquiries.

Our Favourite Christmas Films

It’s one of our favourite Christmas traditions, the Turkey has been eaten, the presents unwrapped, and the mulled wine drunk. Now is the time to gather the family round to watch your favourite Christmas film while Grandad falls asleep in his chair, paper hat still atop his head. There are so many classics to choose from, but we’ll just look at 4 of our all time favourite Christmas films.

Home Alone

Home Alone tells the story of any parent’s nightmare and any 8 year olds dream. When 8 year old Kevin McCallister is left behind by his family rushing off to begin their Christmas holiday, chaos ensues as a pair of moronic burglars target his family home. Home Alone is just as much a Christmas tradition as the tree, turkey and all the trimmings, and no Christmas day would be quite the same without it.



This is the heart-warming tale of Buddy the elf, a man raised in the North Pole as an elf. Buddy is sent to New York City to meet his father and find out more about his own identity. With Will Ferrell playing Buddy the elf, this family film is a laugh out loud comedy that will keep the whole family happy.


How The Grinch Stole Christmas

This Dr Seuss story tells the tale of the land of Whoville and its inhabitants who love Christmas. The Grinch is a creature who lives outside of Whoville and plots to steal Christmas away from the Who’s. This character, brilliantly played by Jim Carrey, doesn’t know what’s hit him when a young Who, Mary Lou Who, attempts to befriend him.


The Nightmare Before Christmas

Who can forget this Tim Burton classic? The Nightmare Before Christmas tells the story of Jack Skellington, the King of Halloweentown, who stumbles upon Christmastown and wishes to bring the spirit of Christmas into his own town. This dark comedy is a must watch at Christmas.


Here at Cine 2 DVD, we’re passionate about film, whether it’s a Christmas classic, or your home movie of the kids unwrapping their presents. If you would like your special memories transferred onto DVD, we’re here to help. We specialise in transferring 8mm Cine Film to DVD, ensuring that you can watch those memories again and again. Perhaps this Christmas, you can gather the family round to watch one of your old home movies instead of one of these classics.

For more information about our services, don’t hesitate to contact us today on 0800 592433 or email us at [email protected].

Knowing Your Copyright from Wrong

You may have heard in the news yesterday that two people have been arrested in the UK for pirating the Stallone-Statham-Schwarzenegger actioner The Expendables 3. Turns out that what wasn’t expendable was the $10m revenue the film apparently lost out on thanks to online pirates – at least, that’s the view of the movie’s producer.


With the issue of copyright rearing its head in the headlines again, it’s worth bearing a few things in mind. You may not realise it, but Great Britain actually has an entire police department, the Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU), dedicated to hunting down those who flout anti-piracy laws.

Here at Cine 2 DVD Transfers, we specialise in converting your old films and videos onto the DVD disc format. But that sort of service is reserved for those products for which you actually own the copyright. So how do you know if you own the copyright on your intellectual property?


Here in the UK, copyright is granted if you’ve created the work – be that a recording of your sister’s wedding, or an original poem you wrote for your mum’s birthday. That blog you run on the side, you own the IP for that. And you don’t have to do anything in order to copyright anything you’ve created, it automatically comes into effect the moment you’ve made it. Generally speaking, copyrights last life plus 50 years too. That’s why you’ll sometimes see movies and books in the public domain – the copyright expired and no-one renewed it.

But pretty obviously we don’t own the copyright to The Expendables 3 – even if we have the DVD at home. In fact, these days, in the age of digital ownership, you rarely even own items you’ve purchased, at least not in the legal sense. So you don’t own that song you bought on iTunes – you’ve bought a licence to play it; a licence which can be withdrawn at any notice. Same with film and game downloads.


If you’re looking to transfer your old home movies, whether it’s birthdays, christenings, weddings, Christmas get-togethers or that old film you made back in school – because you own the copyright to them – we can help. Here at Cine 2 DVD Transfers we’re always on-call to convert your cine films to DVD for you to watch and share once more. For more information about our services, please contact us on 0800 592 433 or email us at [email protected] and we’ll be glad to assist.

Top 3 Classic Films 1930-1950

We’ve come a long way in film over the past 100 years, since the likes of Thomas Edison, W.K.L Dickson and the Lumière brothers were the big players in the early movie making industry. These days, audiences need state of the art special effects, astronomical budgets and an all star cast to have a film truly impress them.

Regardless, there are some classic films that remain well loved and well watched 70+ years after their creation. We’re going to remember some of our all time favourites from the days before green screens, CGI and Megan Fox.

Casablanca (1942)

Casablanca is a firm favourite that seems to pop up in any list of ‘films to see before you die’ and  we can understand why. A classic love story set during World War II, starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman it was always going to be a classic. The film centres on Rick Blaine, who runs a nightclub in Casablanca. When he is faced with an old flame, Ilsa Lund, old feelings resurface, and wounds are reopened.

FUN FACT: Standing at 5”8, Bogart had to wear platform shoes next to his 5”10 co star Ingrid Bergman.

Gone With the wind (1939)

This is another wartime tale of love which follows the beautiful, yet somewhat selfish Scarlett O’Hara during the American Civil War as she pursues love, romance and married men. Clark Gable stars as Rhett Butler, a dashing stranger who becomes the love interest of Scarlett, but this romance is by no means easy. Scarlett, in love with a man who is engaged to another woman, seeks out marriage for the purpose of security and comfort. Time and time again Scarlett rejects Rhett’s advances and professions of love, but of course she eventually accepts her true feelings for him.

FUN FACT: The star, Clark Gable, didn’t like the film, referring to it as “a woman’s picture”.

It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

This heart warming classic tells the story of George Bailey, a businessman who becomes disillusioned with his life. In a moment of desperation he wishes he had never been born at all. Cue a gentle, somewhat bumbling guardian angel named Clarence, who has been desperately trying to gain his wings. Clarence takes George on a journey through his own history, showing him what the lives of the ones he loves would be like if he had never been born.

FUN FACT: Although most of the film is set around Christmas, it was actually filmed during a heat wave. You may be able to notice James Stewart sweating during the scene on the bridge even though there is ‘snow’ falling around him.


Here at Cine 2 DVD, we love old movies, who doesn’t? If you would like to convert your old films, we offer a unique service of converting cine film to DVD. If you would like more information about our services, don’t hesitate to contact us on 0800 592 433